Why blog?

Some things come on you suddenly, like a little ache that turns out to be life threatening cancer. This sets the heart on an unplanned journey of questioning and discovery, yet I can only see a span of about 180 degrees from left to right and up a few thousand feet if I tilt my head back!  That would be the parameters of my physical sight, but the unseen part of me knows that I won’t find the answers about life that I’m really looking for unless I humble myself and search for that which I have no control over, something much bigger than myself, something eternal.  So here I am, posing questions to God Himself. I know how to live, but how to abide…illuminate me!  “What do you require of me, what are the rules, what must I do?”, my heart cries, and I feel myself always pushed back to the hardest path of all, that of just abiding.

This blog is your invitation to take a companion peek at my journey, just in case you too have been asking the same questions and looking for the same answers.

 Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me.    

John 15:4  

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