Potluck Anyone?

  3,000 voices strong, the cry travels up the from the school at the bottom of the hill to my house above. From 7:30 to 8:30 or so this morning the new school year was ushered in with cycles of  “wha wha wha” anouncement, followed by some brassy strains of the fight song from the band,…

Decisions at a Desk

  God never ceases to amaze me. I mean, how many times in your life have you gotten a phone call, “Hey, I have a desk here I’m giving away, do you want it?” For me it happened once, just yesterday, but the amazing part is that I had decided a few months ago to…

The Man on the Hill

“Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the Holy Place, by the blood of Jesus; Let us draw near.”   (Hebrews 10:19 & 22) A man stands on the top of a hill with one of those views, layer after layer of mountain tops receding into oblivion as they are folded into the sky, so…